Product guide for excavators

Trapezoidal bucket

M0 to M6 Carriers from 800kg to 24t

These tools are trapezoidal in shape and are mainly of two types:

  • The CREATION Trapezoidal bucket often has a greater opening angle and is designed to dig a profiled ditch. The bucket profiled sides allow the tool to turn without bottoming in the ditch being dug.
  • The REPROFILING Trapezoidal bucket has a flat part, firstly to smooth the bottom of the ditch and secondly to increase the tool capacity.

The motion of the first type of trapezoidal bucket is similar to the conventional excavation motion whereas, with the second type, the movement of the machine is essential, the tool is drawn flat to reprofile the ditch.
There is also a trapezoidal bucket orientation device (manual orientation of ± 30°). This is used to correct the turret offset, for example when the excavator is scraping a roadside ditch.
Trapezoidal buckets can be customised to meet your needs, as a function of machine capabilities and the materials worked.
A specification sheet is available, to specify the required dimensions.

All our trapezoidal buckets have a conventional beam at the top and conical or flat flanges.
Lateral blades give the bucket a side cutting capability. The basic steel plate is systematically strengthened by the double bottom. Teeth, counter-blade and lateral protections are all options that can be added if needed.

Available in systems

Technical data

This is an example of a realization, all our tools are customizable, learn more.

Creation trapezium

Module Profile Min. Width Small Base (mm) Angle (°)
M0 Carriers from 800kg to 2t TMP 200 65°
M1 Carriers from 2 to 3.5t TMP 200 65°
M2 Carriers from 3.5 to 5.5t TTP001 300 65°
M3 Carriers from 5.5 to 7.5t TTP001 300 65°
TTP002 400 65°
M4 Carriers from 7.5 to 10.5t TTP001 300 65°
TTP002 400 65°
M5 Carriers from 10.5 to 15t 45° 350 45°
33° 350 33°
M6 Carriers from 15 to 24t 45° 350 45°
33° 350 33°

Reprofiling trapezium

Module Profile Min. Width Small Base (mm) Max. Width Small Base (mm)
M2 Carriers from 3.5 to 5.5t 2E 200 400
M3 Carriers from 5.5 to 7.5t 3E 200 400
M4 Carriers from 7.5 to 10.5t 4E 300 400
M5 Carriers from 10.5 to 15t 5E 200 500
M6 Carriers from 15 to 24t 6E 150 500